Nourished Heart Yoga

Abundance begins from the roots



Abundance from the Roots to Flourish                 and Support all Life



Cultivating our inner garden.

Begins from our roots.

Yoga in the park

So much fun, playing, evolving and gathering the energy to move forward supported all ways.  Moving around the space, feeling our earth connection to support each other everyday.

Yoga with fifth graders

My weekly yoga class with fifth graders, embodying Prana flow variations and namaskars. School is more fun when we go on a yoga journey and the benefits of coming together every week are very real. These soulful times can be hard on our children. Stress and pressure can make our children lose hope, becoming a little uncertain in these times.  Device time has become so much more prevalent and there are a lot of world complexities children are often subjected to, however, don’t fully understand. Things they may hear, that creep in through news, adult conversation or hearing from a peer, who heard from somewhere else. Our time together on the mat is sacred and a safe place where they can cultivate the tools necessary for their daily life, even just by being able to center themselves. Being able to move their body in an intentional loving way, to laugh when they topple or fall through asana. Having a simple, regular yoga practise can be  so beneficial. 

Purifying and nourishing the inner channels. This breathing exercise can also be called Sun and Moon breath. Alternating the breath through the right and left nostril. Such an incredible way to balance left and right hemispheres of our brain. 

Leading with ritual

Always my first class is free, I offer to serve my community in ways that support. Please ask for available options so that I may better serve you.

Our circle is always together

Take time for a retreat

Immerse yourself in some special time, this picture was taken by a dear Soul friend, Yoga teacher and trainer who leads beautiful magical retreats I highly recommend.

Vibration and waves

It’s all about vibration and waves. Catching that energy to shift and change. Blog post coming soon.

Magic of water dancing with pure vibration (Oasis of Sound)  Thank you Dear Anne Malone sound alchemist, click in London.