Nourished Heart Yoga

Steadying our Inner Fire in these Soulful Times

Fire element~ Agni~ Vira Rasa (The power that lies within us)

“Firekeeping sustains change and melts mundane consciousness” says my teacher Shiva Rae. It is the willingness to surrender. It is our inner luminosity and humble confidence that rises from our root chakras Muladhara, Svadhisthana & essentially Manipura (literally our core and fire centre) where we can manifest ourselves in the world. 

     Feeling grounded in our base is where we begin, tending to what feels stable & strong within. We need to constantly be kindling our inner fire as change is constant! 

Muladhara our base, root chakra is the seat of our humble beginning. Our home, family, friends, pets. The foundation from where we build.

Are we rocking it? Or is it being rocked? Are we living our Muladhara honestly to bring support to sustain our body?

So, we all know ways to balance our inside and that is, by going outside.  Being out in woodland/forests amongst trees. Or mountainous places where you can be among large rocks. The Ocean/coastline, rivers & streams. Gardens for pleasure and work. Naturally these are places where we can cultivate & enjoy awareness of Muladhara. Connecting to presence in nature, soaking our roots and feeling the calling of our ancestors before us. This connection through the earth’s support, it is very real and it is Awesome!   

       Svadhisthana chakra is our seed centre & dwelling place of the self. Evolving through creative flow and the breath within the breath. Following a stream or river will invite you to feel the innate ripples and channels within. Try to find a body of water, lake or ocean, take time to watch, listen or even dive in. 

      Manipura chakra is behind our navel. Mani means gem or jewel and Pura means dwelling place. It is here that manifestation really takes place. This is our fire centre, a necessary kindling is essential for our inner light. When we embody our inner fire we are empowering our core creating steadiness within our body and life.  

      So, lets do this more?

Quite simply Look to our Sun! The great fireball in the sky that supports all life on this planet. Friend to all and giver of life. Practising Solar asanas will awaken, activate and energise your body and mind. By placing your hands over your navel centre, visualise your inner flame! Feel how it is ignited. Is it balanced?  Think of the earth’s core, the fire in the centre of the earth that we live upon! 

       Our human connection to fire isn’t so different. We are drawn to fire, we gather by fires. When our eyes settle on a flame we are captivated.  Our ancestors very much so, essential fire sustaining their lives. Tending to our fire is equally essential especially in the soulful times.  

        Having a regular yoga practice of Surya Namaskar (Sun salutations) invoking the light of the sun is very easy to manage daily. Listening to your own body as to whether you will tend your inner fire in a solar way meaning strong standing asanas or, more Lunar options with your knees down and be closer to the earth. When you move with your eyes closed, imagine the light of your awareness behind them streaming down as rays of sunlight into your heart centre.    

 Surya namaskar will easily guide you into balance and help you feel more supported. From this beginning you will fall in love, want to cultivate and nourish daily a practice (sadhana).