Nourished Heart Yoga

Yoga & Jyotish Vedic Astrology.

Modern Mysticism


What is Vedic Astrology and Jyotisha?

    Jyotish is the light of scientific knowledge studying a persons character, health, habits and even the future on the basis of their chart and, the events that present themselves on earth. Often referred to as “Vedic” (knowledge in Sanskrit) or Hindu astrology. Jyotish has been traced back to earliest Vedic civilization in Northern India where scriptures and texts were written and studied by “Rishis” Seers. Jyotish is one of the oldest systems of astrology in the world, derived from the Sanskrit word “jyoti” which means light/ lustre or glowing one. In the context of being in the sky/space means celestial object.

      Universe, Uni Verse ~ One song. Jyotish reflects this with Universal consciousness and eternal order “Sanatana Dharma”

      Translation of “jyoti” Astro, jyotisha “sha” suffix (ending) denotes “about It” thus the derived meaning is astronomical. Jyotish uses the sidereal calender which is the actual constellations in the sky (same position of the planets as seen by astronomers) whereas western tropical calendar is based on the seasons (orientation of the earth to the sun) and fixed. Sidereal calendar is 23.5 degrees behind tropical calendar, recognizes 7 heavenly bodies, emphasizes the moon placement instead of the sun and the eclipses are of great significance.

     The orientation of the planets and celestial bodies in the sky at the moment you take you first breath is how your chart is calculated. Orbiting planets and celestial bodies can greatly enhance a persons life, learning to become more skilled in understanding the happenings of events in our world and how they affect us.

       I have all my life been very drawn to the planets orbiting the stars, sun. Especially the moon and Jupiter. My senses connected and affected by the awesomeness of looking up day and night , feeing the universe reflecting itself into my being. Practicing yoga for over 30 years has become the essential nectar (amrita) and essence if you will into all the layers of my living body to reside my heart as overflowing. Devoting my practice to the elements, cycles ( vinyasa’s) sun rising and setting, moon rising and setting. 

      The chakras (in sanskrit mean wheels) are the stirrings of my vital vibrating energy of the cosmos within my living being. These energetic vibrating wheels “chakras” are aligned with the planets. Waves and light radiate from them along our spine and above, from the root to above our head. This being our “sushumna nadi” . Mentioning the nadi’s, the central channel “Sushumna nadi”, left channel (lunar)”Ida and right channel (solar) “Pingala” I will leave for another blog post. 

      The planetary, celestial transits do have a direct effect on our wellbeing, whether we realize this or not, and can bring us to a whole new level of awareness and healing when we practice yoga. 

The placement of the planets in your sidereal zodiac birth chart. Horoscope map of your cycle of cause and effect, “karmas” in sanskrit, with the signs “Rasi’s” this insightful guide supports us into how our lives are unfolding. Relating our body, mind and inviting the natural rhythms.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, while connecting our psychological nature to events/cycles, past and future that present themselves in the world.

I hope this helps a little in being able to understand another way to look at astrology, how it can guide us, compliment our yoga practice and not the need to search outside ourselves to find completeness.