Nourished Heart Yoga

The Oak Tree

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With a reflecting lens, the embodiment under the shade of a gentle Oak tree.

 Five Vayu’s “winds” translated from Sanskrit.

Breathing Prana~The vital life force that animates all levels of being. Dancing lights all around us and dancing lights inside us, this is Prana, it is truly inspiring and utterly magical when we tune into and feel this vital energy that supports all life~

       Here I am. Supported upon our Mother Earth, softening into a bed of grass under a local,majestic, gentle and strong ancient Oak tree. Outstretched roots all around me and definitely understanding its Sva Dharma in the world.

       Feeling Apana vayu “down wind”, the downward rooting of these trees in me, as in Asana (posture) but also now in gesture “Mudra” as I lie down bowing “Pranam” and settling into full surrender. The Oak tree’s roots stretch deep and wide into the earth.  

        Ahhh, Udana vayu feeling drawn up into the roots of my being, the trunk majestically rising, the branches like my limbs, eventually reaching the leaves and my expansion into Vyana vayu “expansive wind”. Sustaining and bringing life, filling the tree with essential energy, and me inspiration and peace. 

       The sacred tree’s roots drink nutrients from the earth supporting this Oak’s life.  As I submerge my fingers into the sandy damp soil under the tree, I feel the beat of life within the earth within me. drawing to the center as Samana vayu ” inward wind”. Feeling this inner luminosity as I listen with awareness.  Samana vayu gathering inward toward the trunk and branches naturally brings such strength, balance and support. 

        I listen more intently and feel rhythm and a hum reverberating. A greatness that I can only manifest as OM or AUM.  

       Gazing upward, trunk to branches I see the many colours, light and dark of green leaves, swaying and shimmering, spontaneously rippling in the breeze dancing.  Yellow dusty catkins opening out into nature, also moving in the breeze, udana vayu “upward wind” and vyana vayu expression comes into my mind rising, moving up, moving outwards towards full vyana expressing all the life from of the bud. 

       This gradual growth of the tree, time is of no matter. The average lifespan of the Oak tree is 300 years and older. Reflecting on the beginning, the seedling (acorn) that drops.  The  journey into a sprout, a sapling, the middle. Becoming this great tree with only natural devotion and patience reaching skyward towards the light it craves, the fruition and end. 

This evolution and cycle repeated again and again just as the sun rises and the sun sets. 

       Apparently, North America contains the largest number of native Oak species. This friend the mighty Oak is diverse in nature. Composed of many elements and species produces both male flowers (catkins) and female flowers as tiny blooms.  

       The Oak tree’s fruit is the nut ( the acorn) that is delicious to squirrels, rodents and a source of food for us. Native people and still today we can enjoy acorns, grinding into flour. My family has a few times ground acorns and made pancakes. Acorns make beautiful necklaces, candles, elv hats, even just collecting them is a child’s dream.

       The Oak’s branches, sturdy limbs radiating from the trunk in all directions, expanding and twisting. Growing individually outwards, however, so connected to the core trunk. Natures Vyana vayu and Samana vayu too. The support from the center balances and maintains the branches, limbs, leaves and fruit. As is the importance of us finding our center or core strength.

       Spirally, twirly, coiling and smooth leaves, creating shade for wildlife and for me today. A sweet home for birds, beetles and insects, thriving in the presence of the tree that offers such support. 

There is an American Indian saying that says “there is a spirit behind every tree” Yes, of course there is! Have you had the feeling someone has got your back? : ) They do!

This magnificent sacred tree of life is not different from us. Living Prana~ life force = Us

       I am humbled, honoured and blessed to have spent these few hours deeply embraced, writing and awakening in the presence of this beautiful ancient tree. I wonder how many stories has this tree seen? I can only imagine. 

        Rejuvenated and filled with renewed strength, energy and grace, the prana in my body is nourished, refreshed and radiating with light. I feel all the movements “wind” of Prana as I sit in my body with my breath and my senses. Consciously connected under the protection of this friend the Oak that shades me.

      This is how nature guides us all, and my being with this tree today tells me time is a friend on this journey to my heart essence and yours. Holding this sacred lens for all. Our planet and our earth.  Wise trees are guiding us on this path, joyfully bringing patience, awareness & brightness to our inner and outer landscape. This attention and intelligence is creating balance through grounding. Strength through expansion and flowing with the beautiful harmonious current moving through us all. Always all ways.